A few nights ago I had this crazy dream that I was stuck on a curvy mountain road at night.
Up ahead there was a blind curve to the left and every time I tried to get around, an ambulance would fly around the bend coming from the other direction.
I woke up in a fright. My heart racing.
It took me a few seconds to realize I was in my bedroom & not on a mountain road. But my racing heart still needed convincing.
I kept telling myself to stop chasing the shadows and focus on the light. But darkness and shadows were all I could focus on and I made myself dizzy.
All I needed was a small glimmer of light.
I had to wake up Greg to help me calm down. To help me focus.
The next night, I woke up again. This time it wasn’t because of a crazy dream, thankfully.
A light woke me up.
The moon. A full moon.
A gentle reminder to me, from a Father who loves me, that no matter how dark it is, how dizzy the shadows make you feel, you can always find a flicker of light.
The night of my crazy dream, the light was Greg. The next night, a bright, full moon.
Friend, whatever darkness or chasing shadow of dizziness is surrounding you right now, look for the light.
It may be your spouse, or that friend who promised to always pick up the phone when you call even if it’s 2:00 a.m., or the simple act of turning on the bedside lamp.
I think I like everything about this little blog. Interesting, pretty and straight to the point and that pink tutu. Thank you for the clear and simple message in this post. I tend to back away slowly from many a post I attempt to read totally overwhelmed by the amount of information coming at me. As a classic over thinker I so appreciate simple, honest writing and encouragement. Have been feeling the weight of the dark mostly very early in the morning as I wake of late and pushing past to the light takes a conscious effort but so worth it when hope rises and there’s a glimpse of light. Puts things in perspective. Thanks you again – much appreciated.
Thank you Tracey! and I believe that every woman’s closet should have a tutu! xo
Ahh apologies I meant blue tutu. Tutus and pink seem to just go together. ? sorry. Love just the same.
If not for your writing this topic could be very cotlovuned and oblique.