Welcome to 31 Days of Truth or Dare!
Scroll down for Day 1!
Day 2 – Truth :: Celebrity Crush
Day 3 – Truth :: Regret
Day 4 – Dare :: We Need Your Ideas
Day 5 – Dare :: Purge
Day 6 – Truth :: Invisible
Day 7 – Truth :: Guilty Pleasure
Day 8 – Truth :: Alive
Day 9 – Truth :: 24 Hours
Day 10 – Truth :: One Million
Day 11 – Dare :: Tattoo
Day 12 – Dare :: Stranger
Day 13 – Truth :: Be Anyone
Day 14 – Truth :: Secret No One Knows
Day 15 – Truth :: Surprising Fact
Day 16 – Truth :: Embarrassing Moment
Day 17 – Truth :: To Tell the Truth
Day 18 – Dare :: Craziest
Day 19 – Dare :: Fast
Day 20 – Truth :: Everyday Food
Day 21 – Truth :: Worst Habit
Day 22 – Truth :: Tears
Day 23 – Truth :: Fear
Day 24 – Truth :: Ask Us a Truth Question!
Day 25 – Dare :: Technology
Day 26 – Dare :: Church
Day 27 – Truth :: Favorite Kid
Day 28 – Truth :: In the World
Day 29 – Your Truth Questions Answered
Day 30 – One Big Dare :: Coming Soon!
Day 31 – We Dare You to Be Truthful
My husband, Greg & I will be tag-team writing once again this year. This is the fourth year that we have challenged ourselves to write everyday during the month of October. Thank you Myquillyn for creating this challenge & sharing it with your friends!
Now, what can you expect from 31 Days of Truth or Dare?
Playing Truth or Dare takes you back to being a kid, right? Awkwardly sitting in a circle with a bunch of your friends anxiously waiting your turn to play. What should I pick? A truth? A dare? The pressure was a little ridiculous sometimes depending on who was sitting in that circle with you.
We aren’t going to make you that uncomfortable this month. Well, maybe a little. Can you see the little smirk on our faces?
By the end of the month, you’ll learn to love those smirks! I promise.
On the weekdays, Greg & I will both be answering Truth questions – some are hilariously fun, some will be ridiculously honest.
The Dares will be posted on the weekends & they will be challenging, instigating & perhaps get under your skin & make you a little uncomfortable.
Everyday we will encourage you to participate each day with us, to answer the Truth questions in the comments & to share your thoughts about the Dares.
What are some of the Truth questions that you can expect this month?
What is one secret you have never told anyone?
If you & one other person were the only people alive on Earth & you could pick that person, who would it be?
What about the Dares?
The Dares will cover various topics ranging from tattoos to church to technology.
One more thing!
You will have the opportunity to pick a Dare for us! Greg is excited about that & I’m super nervous… We will have all the information about that on Day 4.
We hope you’ll stick around with us this month & participate. It is going to be a memorable 31 Days…bookmark this page because once a new post is live we will add the topic & link to the top of this post.
To make sure you don’t miss a day, subscribe here to receive our posts by email.
And did you know that this year there’s a brand new website where 1000s of others will be participating in this writing challenge? It’s called Write 31 Days. Please click over & browse through the 9 categories. I guarantee you will find a topic that interests you.
OK, straight up, this is the blog I’m the most excited about reading this month. I think it might be the smirks that did it. Can’t wait!
Lucien recently posted..I love the swirl and swing
it is going to be a fun month! thanks for joining us!!
What a creative idea!
Julie @ Girl on the Move recently posted..Creating a Social Media Plan {day three}
thanks Julie! glad to have you along for the month!!