1. Family & friends near and far ~ Obviously, this is a no-brainer. My family & friends, near & far are my support system. Family has to put up with me, but friends who also share the good, bad & ugly? I’m completely blown away by their love & generosity. There are more photos that …read more
My Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Buy Myquillyn’s Book
My friend wrote a book. I am 100% biased because she is my friend. A dear heart friend. Her friendship has taught me so much but one of the biggest? Letting go of pleasing people. It has been a life long struggle for me & she has given me permission to let that go through …read more
A Different Kind of Ladies Night
Last night, a dozen of us had the opportunity to attend an Introduction to Handguns class taught by TD Roe, Bill Zeller & their team of instructors from the Excel Training Group at Article II Gun Range in Lombard, Illinois. TD & Bill are both NRA certified pistol instructors. Most of the ladies in our …read more
Ladies Night Curling
I went curling with Nancy, Ashley & Therese on Friday night. Not curling {like twisting my hair with my fingers} but Curling ~ the Olympic sport of strategically pushing a 43 pound granite rock down a sheet of ice towards the target. Even though the Waltham Curling Club in Triumph, Illinois was over an hour …read more
Dear Me,
{a letter to my teenage self} It has been surprisingly difficult to write this letter to you. I look at pictures and I read through your journals and I find it hard to believe you are me. Knowing what I know now, I wish I could have a do-over of the years 1988 – 1992. …read more