Truth : What fact about you surprises people the most?
I suppose you’d have to ask “the people”. This sounds like a “truth” for those that know us and are reading these “truths”. So feel free to comment… “I dare you”. What fact about us surprises you the most?
If I had to guess what fact surprises people most about me … here’s my top 5…
1) I can still walk (somewhat normal) after 17 knee surgeries?
2) My children are cute… and I AM the biological father?
3) I was in Playboy Magazine – February 1992. (Feature article)
4) I partied with Dennis Rodman on New Years Eve 1999?
5) I have traveled over 250,000 miles with over 750 people in 15 passenger vans?
I worked at the White House.
Actually, it was my very first job. I had a friend in high school & her dad worked for the Secret Service. Stephenie & I both started working for the White House Historical Association on Saturdays during the school year & almost every day during the summer. It was my freshman & sophomore year of high school, so 1986-1988. Ronald Reagan was the President.

The White House Historical Association would sell souvenirs & books & Christmas ornaments to visitors after they had just toured the White House.

Back then, the gift shop was inside the White House & sometimes when the weather was really nice we would be outside. Pretty much the coolest job I ever had.

Sadly, I never met President Reagan but it was an honor to work in his house.

Tell us a surprising fact about you!
Okay. I might have a few facts people might not know about me.
1. I dated Steven Bauldwin and Vince Vaughn at the same time. (Vince was a better kisser)
2. I had to do a foam landing on a private jet landing in Guadalhara Mexico.
3. I new my husbands half brother in college, 8 years before meeting my husband. Meet eric in LA 1999, meet his half brother in Iowa in 1992 while living in Nebraska. Never found out the connection until 2002.
4. I got my first tattoo when I was 16. Sorry Dad. hehe
I didn’t know any of those!!!
I hold a world record for the longest kickball game…and nobody every believes this is true!
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