Since we arrived in North Carolina 12 days ago we have RESTED :: making puzzles, sleeping in, laughing with friends & family, swimming, reading the Bible together, playing games.
We have taken a few RISKS :: trying something new like riding roller coasters, traveling to invest in friendships, taking off our floaties & putting our head under the water, making new friends.
I have to admit, it is easier for me to REST than take RISKS. It is completely opposite for my husband. We make a great team – I encourage him to REST and he encourages me to take RISKS. Both are equally important on our faith journey and we realize the importance of encouraging our kids to experience both REST & RISK.
It is our job to teach them.
It is also important to realize that how we REST & take RISKS may not be the way our children will REST or take RISKS. We have to provide them opportunities to experience what REST & RISK might look like for them too.
It is our hope that as our children grow we can encourage them to grow in their faith with REST & RISK.
rest & risk … two beautiful words when put together like that! not always easy to do! my husband was the “risk” and i too, am the “rest.” he’s been apart from us for a while now and i’m finding i have to take more of the risk-role with our children. sigh … not always easy for this i’m-much-more-comfortable-resting girl! ๐
thank you for this sweet reminder today, that ultimately learning the balance of, and experiencing both is so important for our children.
i moved to nc a year ago, just north of charlotte and recognize that beautiful top photo!! ๐
thank you for your comment! it truly is a daily balance – and oh, how the kids remind me of that daily.
p.s. i am a friend of nester’s & started following you on instagram after her blue nail polish story in tanzania! {hope you don’t think i’m a stalker now!}
Summer is a time of rest and risk – that’s good stuff! I’ve never thought of things in this way – thank you. Wonderful post!
Great words Caroline. I love that you said “rest and risk are equally important”. Risk often gets the rap for being better or cooler but without rest, risk will burn you out. I love your new header too!
Wow. Looks wonderful. Yet you have a profound share, my friend! Risk and rest. I love the way God often brings opposites together in marriage to help us grow where we need…Awesome!
Have enjoyed seeing you connect with all your NC peeps in pictures. Thank you for the wise words and being an example always. Love you.
There’s a prayer in the BCP that says – “in returning and rest we shall be saved…” your post is a timely reminder of it…
I’m getting better at risks, Or i should say He is Shoving me out of the nest of my comfort zone and MAKING me a better risk taker.
wish i’d read these wise words earlier in the summer. i’m pretty bad at both of these things. i get to busy in the daily-ness of life and i neither rest or risk. it’s time for both of those now. long overdue, in fact.
thanks for writing, caroline. love.